It is not a weed!

Right as before I said I would mention my favourite movies of all time so my first choice would have to be The Devil Wears Prada.  Now for those of you who have seen this movie which is designed as eye candy for girls you will know why this is one of my favs.  This movie has everything a girl loves; shoes, chic clothing, beautiful people and has a pinch of girl power, legendary.

Now I may have stumbled across something that I found interesting, the history of the sunflower.  Not a HUGE topic of conversation but as I said in my previous post, I will be talking about things that people pass up the opportunity to talk about.

The sunflower orginated in North America and was one of the first crops to be planted by the Americans.  This flower which survives in any climate, has travelled around the world and back again.  As we all know Sunflowers are a good natural source of fat but did you know that back in the day people used to ground the seeds for flour to make bread that we see it today as a variety of Pitas.  What grabbed me is that the Sunflower as we see it today is not how it was originally found over five thousand years ago, mankind has interferred with it’s natural characteristics.

The Aztecs in Mexico where not only using it as a source of fat in their diet but also worshipped them and in their temple to the sun, the high priestess would wear headresses made out of sunflowers to give her the air of the divine.

The oil of the seed from the sunflower was not only used to make bread but also used to make dye of the colour purple which would be used to dye clothing and paint decorative images onto the body, other parts of the sunflower were used in ointments and medical remdies used to cure snake bites.  It was also used to lubricate hair and skin, people in ancient days couldn’t afford much so they would take the stems of the sunflower and dry them out to use for building materials.

For me I just love sunflowers because they are such happy flowers and no matter where it is planted it’s flower will always face the sun.  I may be a nerd but I think that this little bit of history on this flower which some people may find weird, interesting.

Remember if chocolate is the answer the question is irrelevant.

Published in: on October 22, 2010 at 19:36  Comments (2)  


Well….this is a start of something new.  I am a newbie when it comes to writing a blog but I hope it becomes an interesting read.

Lets first start off by explaining what I will be rambling on about.  As you can see the name of my blog is Chocolatetalk and hopefully this blog will be yummy discussions about things that people pass up the opportunity to talk about.

I would like to kick off this blog with something that has been on my mind the last day or so, Facebook.  Now normally Facebook is a ‘safe way’ of staying in contact with old friends from around the world but somehow they have managed all Facebook users to feel that their safety is at risk by giving out the user’s personal information!  What the heck???  Facbook are  not the only culprits, Zynga (you know those people who created games that have people going crazy over on Facebook) has been found doing the same.  I am not saying everyone should freak out and delete Facebook all together it is just a warning for those of you who aren’t aware of this.

I may be simpleton who isn’t up to date with most the world’s affairs or lastest entertainment but is anyone as excited about the upcoming Harry Potter movie as I am??  If your a Harry Potter fanatic like I am check out the new posters for the first part of HP7

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I am a big movie fan so I tend to indulge in DVDs over the weekend instead of going out on the town and I was thinking of doing my fav movies of all time but if anyof you who maybe reading this blog please let me know of yours maybe there is even one I haven’t seen.  I will be annoncing one each time I add a new post (I am not going to say everyday because I might not be able to keep that promise). Maybe even review some new movies that have come out as well.

Funny enough I LOVE to read as well!  There is nothing more exciting than walking into a book shop searching through rows and rows of new books screaming to be read by your eyes.  You then take your book (your new friend) back home with you, climb into bed or even go lie in the sun on the deck with a glass of wine and allow your eyes to indulge every word so maybe it would be fun to add books to the list as well and again if you have any favs PLEASE let me know, I am always looking for a good read.

Right I think that would be enough jibber jabber for the first post.

Remember if chocolate is the answer the question is irrelevant.

Published in: on October 21, 2010 at 20:37  Comments (1)